Mão de Fátima I Gold plated silver pendant - 2.5cm
Mão de Fátima I Silver Pendant - 2.5cm
Fatima I Silver Filigree Necklace
Fatima I Silver necklace
Árvore da Vida I Silver necklace with gold plating
Árvore da Vida I Silver necklace
Trevo I Silver filigree necklace
Trevo I Silver Charm
Trevo I Charm en argent doré
Ferradura de cavalo I Silver Charm
Ferradura de cavalo I Charm en argent doré
Chave da Felicidade I Charm in silver
Chave da Felicidade I Charm en argent doré
Chave da Felicidade I Silver Charm
Set of 5 lucky charms in silver
Ensemble de 5 charms Porte-Bonheur en argent doré
Trevo I Gold-plated Silver Charm
Trevo I Silver and cotton bracelet
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