Legal notice


Information about the owner of the website.

The website is edited by the Company STRONG EXISTENCE Lda. whose Head Office is located in Rua das Macieiras, 89 - 2750-010 Cascais, Portugal and registered under the number 514 382 201 and whose Director of Publication is Mrs. Luisa Paixão. The company STRONG EXISTENCE Lda can be contacted by email at, by phone at +351 210 968 936 (Cost of a call on the Portuguese national fixed network) or by mail at the above address.


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The website is hosted by Shopify Inc, a Canadian company registered on the TSX and NYSE under no. 426160-7, whose head office is located at 151 O'Connor Street - Ottawa, Ontario - K2P 2L8 - Canada. Shopify Inc. can be contacted by email at, by phone at 1 613 241 2828 151 or by mail at the above address.


Disclaimer on intellectual property.

The brand "Luisa Paixão" is a European brand registered at the European Union Office for Intellectual Property under the number 018256656. The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by the International Conventions and the laws in force on intellectual property and in particular copyright, unfair competition and trademarks. No reproduction or representation can take place without the prior written consent of the Company STRONG EXISTENCE.


Limits to the responsibility of the publisher.

In spite of all the precautions taken in the realization of this site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information and/or documents presented. The users of the site will thus proceed to all useful checks, the responsibility of the editor not being able to be committed because of possible errors, they are only responsible for the use of the information accessible via this site.